Five good sources for the web development

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The task of the web developer is to develop more functional and interactive website for the Internet users and for making this, they should have enough time to complete specific web development. For any of the good professional web development company also the situation remains the same because without enough time, it is very difficult to develop the website in a very fast way. In this situation, web developer should take the help of add-ons from the firefox that will help makes their work easy. Below are great five add-ons which will help in web development of the website :


  • Web Developer Toolbar : It will help to install the different web development tool on the browser. JavaSrcipt, CSS and any of the image file can able to disable quickly with the help of this it.
  • Firebug : Live editing, debugging and monitoring any of the CSS, HTML and JavaScript in web page is possible with it. It is the best addon for the web development and JavaScript/AJAX debugging.
  • MeasureIt : It helps to check the width and height of the any webpage with the help of drawing ruler on any web page.
  • Firesizer : It shows the dimensions of the current browser window which give facility to for resizing the window.
  • HTML Validator : At the view page source page, it adds the HTML validation which will help to see the error if any in the source of the HTML code.

Published on Web Development

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